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Why emotions are so important

The show of Basel Tattoo is like a big jigsaw puzzle. Many individual parts have to be put together in advance so that you can ultimately enjoy a rousing program that thrives on highlights and has no snags. This year, more than 20 formations with around 1 participants are waiting to take you on a musical journey around the world.

The bands perform alone, sometimes with another group or all together, such as in the big final. When a band with 50 members walks out from under the arena, the next one is already waiting at the barracks' main gate to march in. Every detail has to be right, every radio message has to be sent at the right moment and the spotlight has to put the musicians in the limelight optically.

The interplay between musicians, conductors, technology, direction, light and sound is a great art and not always easy to understand for the layman. Meticulously and meticulously, using screenplays, we plan, discuss, revise and discuss again. It is important that everyone involved can address their needs so that nothing stands in the way of a great show. In addition to many phone calls, bilateral meetings and countless e-mail correspondence, the band leaders of all participating formations meet around eight weeks before the Basel Tattoo to the so-called production meeting in Basel. The ladies and gentlemen travel to Basel from half the world to define the processes together, inspect the venue and visit other locations such as rehearsal rooms or cloakrooms. Now one could say that nowadays such a session could also be conducted online via Skype or Google Meet. Surely that would be a possibility, but... Emotions, good ideas and the enthusiasm for live events rarely arise on the screen. Rather, it is important that people come together, exchange ideas, develop concepts further and create great moments. Many highlights have already been born in conversations that often only take place in the evening over a joint dinner. In addition, it is more likeable to be able to look the other person in the eye personally, with whom you are building something big together. Ten days ago it happened again. The band leaders met in Basel to fine-tune the Basel Tattoo to be tackled in 2023. We were there with camera and microphone and captured some voices for you. In the following articles, hear and see what the musical directors have to say, what preparations still await them and what they are looking forward to Basel Tattoo most happy. Enjoy yourself.

Basel Tattoo Choir

New Zealand Army Band

Swiss army recruit game

Sir Melville Jameson - former producer of the Edinburgh Tattoo

Pictures of the Bandleader Meeting